
Becoming what I am meant to be

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Third Trimester

I now understand why previously pregnant women don't remember all the weird stuff from the second trimester; it is amazing what you can get used to when you have it all the time.

As I start this third trimester, the second trimester stuff is old hat. I have had these minor inconveniences/discomforts for 3 months now and I am used to them. Most of them have become common in my daily life and I don't even think about them any more. Plus, now I have a whole new set of things to complain about- and this stuff is the stuff that the previous pregnant folk remember.
It is really weird to have a basketball in your stomach. I can't put my shorts on the same way any more because when I bend my leg to put it in the second leg hole- it runs into my stomach and so I can't lift it high enough. (It's amusing to watch me get dressed now) I have to bend my knee out to the side instead of straight up to get dressed. Shaving my legs requires some interesting leg positions as again my knees bump my stomach when I bend over. And then the stereotypical stuff of getting off the couch, in and out of cars, and tying shoes is all pretty accurate. Walking is waddling now and I can't squeeze through things like I used to. The pregnant lady swelling is also fun (my feet don't really like this and I had to take off my rings). Tater also puts weird pressures on things (like my ribs and bladder) that make it uncomfortable to stay in any one position for very long. And his kicks are getting stronger (though at least his windup space is decreasing- imagine a strong boxer in really close vs a weak boxer with more distance for his punches to wind up) It is still really cool to feel him move around in there- he is a regular wiggle worm (unless someone is trying to feel him kick- then he pretends he is a statue!) Sleep is harder now- this big belly rolling over requires effort, getting comfortable, Tater kicking all the time, heartburn, congestion, and hormones all make for a lighter sleep and weird dreams. I am getting enough- it just isn't quite what it used to be.

My body image is very strange right now. I am finally getting used to having this different body- I don't start at mirrors and wonder who that person is anymore. I have a belly in about 50% of my dreams, though many times I will be my normal self and then suddenly pregnant and then back again. My subconscious has found some interesting ways to integrate the midnight kicks into my dreams. I am glad I am finally big enough that it is really obvious I am pregnant and not just big. I can't fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes (other than some shirts and comfy stuff) so it is actually really easy to get dressed in the morning. It is still very strange to look in the mirror and see this belly- and that it keeps getting bigger! It is an interesting experience to have this kind of change going on!

I have a new appreciation for fat people. It is hard being this big. I can completely understand why they don't want to go to the gym- just moving the extra weight is a workout in itself. Plus, clothes don't fit well (though there is a really big difference in pregnant lady clothes and fat lady clothes- namely fat ladies are big all over whereas pregnant ladies are just big in one spot- it actually makes a big deal of difference in the cut). I only have to deal with having this extra size for a few more months- I can't imagine having it all the time with no real purpose for it. I know that being 30 lbs overweight and being 30 lbs pregnant are very different, but it has been an illuminating experience to feel this big. ( And I still have 8 weeks to go)

Pregnancy is a series of minor discomforts leading to a really big discomfort. I think this trimester is Mother Nature's way of making sure you are ready to get this over with. I am excited to get my body back- to be able to exercise, eat tuna, have some wine, be able to take medicines again, and to be able to lay on my stomach again. To have my body be "normal" again will be very nice- plus I will have my Tater. Here goes trimester 3!

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