
Becoming what I am meant to be

Thursday, March 8, 2012


In order to stay sane while pregnant and out of school, I have taken up quilting. It is wonderful to have something to keep my hands busy and creative while getting a sense of accomplishment out of finishing one. I have enjoyed it and so I am displaying my work :)

1st quilt: A jelly roll and a charm pack - I pretty much made up the pattern, with some online inspiration.
Size: Throw Finished 9/2011

2nd quilt: Christmas Quilt in an Irish Chain pattern. I then quilted the "boxes" and put some gold snowflakes in a pattern on the white backing.
Size: Queen Finished 2/2012

It took from October to the end of February to finish this- I don't think I will be doing one this big again for a while. Not to mention I ended up sewing everything twice because the way the chains fall apart due to the way they are supposed to be cut to be sewn together into the correct pattern.

There are 17 "snowflakes" on the back in gold

3rd Quilt: Water Quilt. This one is made out of fabric generously donated to me by my quilting mentor (aka mother in law). It is based off a pattern called "Stars and Stripes Forever" in Easy Quilts Magazine. Instead of doing the red, white, and blue pattern with stars, I did a dark blue, white/light blue, turquoise/light blue pattern.
Size: Throw Finished: 3/2012

It may not be very clear, but the back looks really cool with a double stitch quilting along the "waves". I am very pleased with how this one came out.

The cats also had their input-

What good assistants.....

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