
Becoming what I am meant to be

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Beginning

So.... Blogging....

Beginnings are hard. Transitions are hard. Transitions are really just beginnings in disguise.

You never know when you start with a beginning where you are actually going to end up. As Bilbo Baggins once said, “ It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be swept off to."

This is a blog about my life. As I am embarking on a new journey, this will be a good way for me to keep in touch with my friends who I don't get to see as often as I would like- especially as I head off. It is also a good venting ground for me to get my thoughts out and get opinions without forcing everyone to deal with me:)

My life as it currently stands:

1. My husband and best friend is currently deployed with the army to Afghanistan. He is doing construction stuff according to the army- but good luck getting a straight answer out of them. He should be coming home sometime near February.

2. I will be attending Des Moines University in the Fall for their Podiatry program. It is a four year program with 2-3 years of residency, at the end of which I will be able to fix feet, do surgeries, and get to say, "Trust me- I'm a doctor!"

3. I am currently working at Medical Center of the Rockies in the Peri-op Dept. (Pre and post surgery) We just hired for my position as I will be leaving in June to get ready to go to school. I work with literally the best people in the world. I go to work for them- they keep me from losing my marbles most days (or at least distract me with shiny objects so I don't realize I have lost them!)

4. I will be going to Europe to see my Handsome Husband the last week of June. Two weeks won't nearly be enough, but it will get me through for a little while. Besides- it will be a great trip:)

5. I have to move myself to Iowa.

6. I have two cats (Athena and Shiva) who drive me bonkers, but give the best cuddles. They make my apartment home.

7. I started going to a yoga class at my gym and I am hooked. I wish they had yoga class everyday. I wish I could go to a gym class everyday.

8. I am just finishing my EMT class. I got to spend 10 hours on a fire truck, an ambulance, and in the ER. It was so much fun and it makes me want to do more- emergencies are fun when you are the one getting to fix them.

9. I am a bridesmaid this summer:) So excited- it will be a blast!

10. I love life. It keeps changing and never stops. It is like a stream- always changing and always constant and capable of flash flooding you into a new place at any time. Life is never boring unless you make it that way.

So, here goes!

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