
Becoming what I am meant to be

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Too Damn Hot

Last night at midnight the heat index was almost 100 degrees. Right now, it is indexed at 117 (97 with 54% humidity). I woke up at 6 am this morning, thinking maybe it would be more comfortable, but it was still a heat index of over 90 (82 degrees and 82%).

I have wanted to go running for the past week, but it is so hot outside that just looking outside makes me get uncomfortable. I know that there are still people who are out running in that, but I feel so miserable being that hot that it stops being fun, and the whole point of running for me is stress relief. (Getting in shape is just an awesome benefit.) I want to get in shape- but since I haven't run since I went on vacation, I am out of shape again, and the heat just makes it worse. I miss Colorado summer- the dry heat that disappears as soon as the sun sets. It stays hot all night long- it doesn't drop below 80 most nights. I wish there was a local lap pool to go swim at, but the closest is the Y and that is not walking distance. I don't really understand why Des Moines doesn't have any pools considering how hot it is here...

I can't wait for the cooler days to start, I miss being in school to have something to do, and I don't know what to do with myself most days. I spend a lot of time reading, and I have started drawing again. I have some ideas for some classes this fall at the local community college, but it is hard getting excited for something that really doesn't seem like it will make a difference. I am just treading water until I can get started again. I hate that.

I swear I didn't pray for patience...